What Is The Cost Of Flu Vaccine – A member of the Merdeka generation asks why clinic injections cost him more than a private doctor
Singapore. A Merdeka native says he had to pay more for flu and pneumonia treatment at a government clinic than if he went to a private doctor.
What Is The Cost Of Flu Vaccine
In a Facebook post on the popular Complaint Singapore group, he asked mysteriously, “Did the government clinic or the Ministry of Health cheat me?”
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He explained that the doctor at the outpatient clinic had given him a pamphlet that advised adults to get the flu and the pneumococcal vaccine. According to the brochure, vaccinations cost SGD 18 and SGD 31, respectively, for Merdeka citizens when they visit a GP.
“On the day of the vaccination, they gave me the same book again. However, upon payment after Medisave payment, I was shocked that the clinic charged me $46.88! (25% minus $62.50),” he wrote.
“When I asked the head of this clinic, a woman came and said that the booklet says $31, it belongs to a private doctor. When I asked him why the government clinic charges more money than a private doctor? He couldn’t answer and went back to his office to check. When he came back, he replied that the private doctor’s fee does not include goods and services tax,” he added.
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He called the clinic again for clarification, asking to get back with answers to his questions. Twelve days later, a woman from the clinic called.
He explained that it was placed in Group 4 (based on family income), “so the subsidy is 50% of the total cost of $125, and then it is credited to my MG card with a subsidy of 25%.” He told her that MG cards are a CHAS card in themselves, regardless of family income or annual value, and why a private GP charges.
The distraught man added that for the second shooting in a year, he planned to visit a private doctor, not a clinic.
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After his long tenure, he added one more from the MOH: “Clinically, in addition to the 75% subsidy for vaccinations for all Singaporeans, pioneers and MG Seniors get another subsidy of 50% and 25% of their average vaccination bill. , respectively. We have noted your response on vaccination costs after ” Cost Guide for Popular Vaccinations in Singapore Popular Vaccinations, Mandatory Vaccinations – if that’s what you’re looking for. take it, that’s how it is. Geraldine Mako January 22, 2021
This article was originally published on February 26, 2020 and has been updated with the latest information. Report added by Angela Koo.
Because CCID-19 vaccines are our hope to end the epidemic, vaccines are back in the public consciousness rather than being forgotten after our school vaccinations.
Where To Get A Free Flu Shot
In addition to vaccinating children, there are many important and recommended vaccines that adults can take to keep them healthy and well protected from disease. This is especially important if you end up traveling abroad, which can increase your risk of contracting the virus.
In addition to knowing what types of vaccines are available and which ones you may want to receive, it is also important to note the cost of your vaccines. To encourage Singaporeans to protect themselves, the Ministry of Health (MoH) has developed a recommended immunization program for children and adults, with the help of these recommended vaccines.
Under the Communicable Diseases Act and the Communicable Diseases (Diphtheria and Measles Vaccination) Regulations, children must be vaccinated against diphtheria and measles. You can be fined up to $500 for a first offense and up to $1,000 for a second offense if you don’t get your child vaccinated against these diseases.
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Diphtheria is an infectious disease that is transmitted through physical contact or airborne droplets through coughing and sneezing. It is a highly contagious and serious disease, but there is a vaccine that can be given to prevent diphtheria.
Diphtheria shots are often included in the TDAP vaccine, which includes tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough (pertussis).
Cost: $0 for eligible Singaporeans or $107 for Minmed’s Infanrix IPV/HIB (5-in-1) vaccine, which protects against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, and Haemophilus influenzae type b.
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Measles is an airborne disease. It starts with a high fever and causes rashes. In severe cases, measles can lead to lung infections, deafness, blindness, and even brain damage.
In Singapore, the measles vaccine is usually included in the MMR primary school vaccination against measles, mumps, rubella and rubella.
In addition to the two required vaccinations, children must complete the recommended vaccinations according to the National Children’s Immunization Schedule in order to enroll in primary school.
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From November 1, 2020, Singaporean children (Singaporeans and permanent residents) will receive full coverage for nationally recommended vaccinations provided at CHAS clinics and practice clinics.
Tuberculosis usually affects the lungs, but it can also affect other parts of the body. This respiratory disease can be fatal if a person with tuberculosis does not receive timely treatment.
Tetanus, known as trismus, affects the muscles and nerves of the body. It also causes muscle contractions that make breathing easier, causing breathing problems that can be fatal. A person is usually infected when the virus that causes tetanus enters through a break in the skin, such as a cut or bone, through an infected object.
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Whooping cough is highly contagious and serious in infants and toddlers. This is because it is a group that is prone to complications such as daytime infections, seizures, or death.
Poliomyelitis, or poliomyelitis, is caused by poliomyelitis, which is often spread through food or water contaminated with the feces of infected people or infected saliva. This infection can cause paralysis and paralysis of the arms or legs in severe cases.
Mumps is a common disease in children that causes inflammation of the saliva in both sides of the jaw. Mumps are spread through the air or by contact with an infected person. Problems can cause brain diseases, deafness, or infertility in men.
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Rubella, also called rubella, is mild when it affects children. However, this disease affects pregnant women and can cause serious disabilities in their children, such as hearing loss, blindness, or mental problems.
Hepatitis B is a serious liver disease that is spread by direct contact with the blood or body fluids of a carrier.
Cost: $0 for eligible Singaporean children or $128.40 for Infanrix Hexa (6-in-1) at Minmed, which provides vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B.
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Influenza is a contagious disease. It affects the human respiratory system, causing inflammation of the mucous membranes. This includes the nose, throat and lungs.
Infections lead to problems such as lung infections in high-risk groups such as children, the elderly, people with chronic diseases, immunocompromised people, and mothers-to-be.
Pneumococcal disease is common in children under two years of age and the elderly. It can be fatal and can cause chest, ear, and brain infections in those infected.
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Cost: US$0 for eligible Singaporeans, or US$200.05 for Minmed’s Prevnar 13 vaccine, which protects against pneumococcal pneumonia and the devastating disease caused by 13 types, and US$93.05 for Pneumovax 23 vaccine, which protects against pneumococcal infection 23.
The specific types of vaccines offered under NCIS are often the same as non-immune vaccines. You can check the full list here. Although vaccination coverage is available at all CHAS GP clinics, not all clinics may have vaccinations, so check with your GP before visiting.
In addition to the National Childhood Immunization Schedule, the Ministry of Health has also published a vaccination program for adults so that people know the benefits of adult vaccinations to protect themselves and their family members at risk.
Get Vaccinated Against Seasonal Flu Now (gleneagles Medical Clinic Central)
Even if adults have been vaccinated, there are other vaccines that should be taken depending on whether they or their family are prone to diseases, or they belong to other groups that need vaccines – for example, pneumococcal vaccine for people with pre-existing diseases. . status or Tdap for pregnant women.
From November 1, 2017, the use of Medisave-approved NAIS vaccines is recommended at all public health centers, as well as Medisave-approved doctors and private hospitals. This scheme, the Medisave400 scheme, means that Singaporeans can use up to $400 of Medisave per account.
Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory disease. This is more serious than a cold. Bacteria can sometimes cause complications such as pneumonia and even death, especially among the elderly, young children, and people with other chronic diseases.
Getting The Flu Vaccine
Commonly known as “the flu”, it can affect anyone, including healthy people. It affects the human respiratory tract (nose, throat and lungs) and causes inflammation of the mucous membranes. You can get a shot every year to prevent the flu.
HPV is the most common cause of cervical cancer in women. Usually a single infection
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