Articles About Business Intelligence – From NEDC to WLTP: Implications for Energy Consumption, NEV Credit and PHEV Subsidy Policy in the Chinese Market
Measuring perceived service quality and its impact on golf course performance by facility type and user profile
Articles About Business Intelligence
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From Business Intelligence To Business Decisions: Acting On Your Data
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The paper can be either an original research paper, a major new research study, often involving multiple methods or approaches, or a comprehensive review paper with concise and precise state-of-the-art in the field, systematically reviewing the most interesting scientific developments. literature This type of paper provides perspective on future research directions or potential applications.
Why Is Business Intelligence Critical For The Airline Industry?
Editors’ Choice articles are based on the recommendations of scientific editors from journals around the world. The editors select a small number of newly published articles in the journal that they believe will be of particular interest to readers or relevant to the relevant research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most interesting work published in the journal’s various research areas.
Received: 28 May 2020 / Revised: 12 July 2020 / Accepted: 13 July 2020 / Published: 17 July 2020
Now universities are forced to change the paradigm of education, where knowledge is mainly based on the teacher’s experience. These changes include the development of quality education that focuses on student learning. These factors have forced universities to look for a solution that would allow them to obtain data from various information systems and turn it into the knowledge needed to make decisions that improve learning outcomes. University-administered information systems store large amounts of data on students’ socioeconomic and academic variables. In the field of higher education, this data is not usually used to create knowledge about students, unlike in the field of business, where data is intensively analyzed in business intelligence to gain competitive advantage. These entrepreneurial success stories can be replicated by universities through educational data analytics. This paper presents a method that combines modeling and data mining techniques in a business intelligence architecture to make decisions about variables that can influence the development of learning. In order to test the proposed method, a case study is presented, in which students are identified and classified according to the data generated in various university information systems.
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Currently, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is included in all activities of society. Universities are not far behind and incorporate ICT in most of their processes. These processes integrate administrative management, which depends on the existence of universities or is used as support for academic management [1]. The most widely used ICT academic management is the Learning Management System (LMS) [2], which supports online interaction between teachers and students. However, there are times when ICT needs special support to solve common learning-oriented problems. These scenarios enable ICT to apply new educational models and methods to student learning. A guide to this can be the personalization that companies have achieved with their customers through data analysis models that allow executives, managers and analysts to discover trends and improve the services and products offered to customers.
Personalized services can be implemented in educational institutions, where the process is similar to that used at the business level, but the goal of education is to improve methods or activities that create learning in students [3]. The learning environment is mainly based on various interactive services and delivery. Personalized learning recommendation systems can provide learning recommendations to students based on their needs [4, 5]. Companies use a data analysis architecture, the results of which help make business decisions. These architectures are called business intelligence (BI); the possibility of obtaining data from various sources, processing and turning it into knowledge is a solution that can also be included in the management of higher education [6].
As a precedent, it is important to take into account that several universities use a BI platform with an administrative or operational focus, which helps to make decisions in the financial management of the institution [7]. Similarly, previous works [8, 9] performed dropout analysis using models and statistical tools using economic and academic variables, segmenting the analysis whether students were enrolled or not in the next semester. This formula is perfectly valid; however, it leaves out the reasons why students drop out. In contrast, our proposal differs in its ability to analyze students’ academic performance data and focus on the learning problems they raise. This analysis helps to make decisions in the management of education and improvement of teaching methods determined by teachers [10].
Pdf) Business Intelligence: An Analysis Of The Literature 1
This paper proposes three research questions that help align concepts and processes in their development; In addition, they try to find out the current situation in the environment in which this work is carried out:
To answer each of these questions, this work includes a description of a BI framework, the design of which is based on a detailed review of previous work, Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams, and a comprehensive method for applying academic data mining. This work takes data from various academic sources, processes it and allows us to identify each student’s strengths and weaknesses using data mining algorithms. Once the results are obtained, they create knowledge about each student’s learning process, which allows appropriate decisions to be made to improve the way the student learns.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews existing work related to the objectives of this study; Section 3 describes the elements and processes of the proposed system; Section 4 applies the method in a case study to test the feasibility of the method; and Section 5 provides conclusions.
Why Power Bi
The presented literature review follows the guidelines published in the systematic literature review methodology proposed by Kitchenham et al. [11] and Petersen et al. [12]. Kitchenham et al. describe how to plan, execute and present the results of a software engineering literature review; Petersen et al. provide guidance on how to conduct a rigorous literature review and follow a systematic procedure. For our literature review, papers were grouped by the type of tools, models, paradigms, or discussions used in their own educational data analysis. This type of classification required knowing the status of scholarly work in learning environments, including the use of BI techniques that improve education. The purpose of this literature review is to try to find out how they do it and what methods and techniques they use. The search chain “Business Intelligence AND Education” was selected, considering only articles published in the last 5 years.
Searches were conducted based on information provided in titles, abstracts and keywords. From the selected works, a detailed reading of the introduction and conclusion was carried out to filter out unrelated publications.
Figure 1 shows a flowchart of the bibliography selection process; In the first stage, articles are collected from online databases. String terms used to search for articles in online databases such as Springer Link, Web of Science, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Digital Library (Xplore), and Scopus can be found in Table 1. In the selection process, each article was . analyzed according to the guidelines to be followed to develop BI. In the next step, we review works involving data mining applications. This filter is used because the BI platform has integrated data mining algorithms that generate insights from the analyzed data. These articles then went through a classification stage and were finally integrated as valid literature for the study. Jobs that did not meet the selection criteria were automatically excluded from the process.
Business Intelligence: What It Is And Why It Matters
The papers were classified according to the quality, contribution and scope of the research. Articles were classified by research type based on the process proposed by [11] and [13], prioritizing articles where the proposed solution is an innovative problem or a significant extension of it.
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