What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine – Coughs, chills, runny noses, and fatigue mean it’s that time of year again—the time when we spread the holiday hype and, well, the flu. Here at QDT, we know what the flu is, how it’s different from the flu, who’s more susceptible to flu symptoms, and how to avoid getting and spreading the flu (like getting a flu shot!). You may also know that the flu vaccine changes every year, but how is the vaccine made? Who decides which flu strains to include in the vaccine each year, and how do they make that choice?

During the year, 142 national influenza centers in 113 different countries collect data on influenza viruses affecting the world’s population. More specifically, they look at which strains of the virus make people sick, how efficiently those strains spread, and how well previous vaccines have managed to fight off the target viruses.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

Each of these smaller centers then forwards the results of their extensive research to one of the World Health Organization’s five collaborating influenza reference and research centers: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (aka CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia; National Institute for Medical Research in London, United Kingdom; Victoria Infectious Disease Reference Laboratory in Melbourne, Australia; National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan; and the National Institute of Viral Disease Control and Prevention in Beijing, China.

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Researchers from each of the five main centers collect and analyze data together to identify new strains of influenza and determine which strains are most likely to spread and cause disease during the coming flu season. The consultants of each center then meet twice a year. They meet in February to decide on the recommended composition of the annual flu vaccine made in the Northern Hemisphere for the upcoming flu season, and also meet in September to make the same decision for future patients in the Southern Hemisphere.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

Virological monitoring data used to support decision-making is reported through several different channels. Clinical laboratories and hospitals track where and when flu cases occur, and which strains are found and which patients are affected. Patients with flu-like symptoms for no other apparent reason, but who do not yet have officially confirmed cases of influenza, are also monitored and recorded. Changes in the influenza strains themselves and the geographic distribution area of ​​each strain are also monitored. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Influenza Epidemiology and Prevention produces an interactive report of its findings to see exactly how the flu is spreading in your home state.

Another factor that may determine which flu strains are included in the current flu vaccine is the ability to produce a vaccine that works against that strain. Each vaccine must be thoroughly tested and approved by the FDA before being made available to the public. If for some reason the production process is particularly slow for a certain strain, that strain will not be included in the World Health Organization list.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

Department Of Health Provides Update On Flu Season, Urges Pennsylvanians To Get Flu Vaccine As Soon As Possible

Sabrina Stierwalt, PhD, is an astrophysicist at Occidental College and host of the Everyday Einstein Quick and Dirty Tips podcast.

Discover the science that is changing the world. Browse our digital archive dating back to 1845, including articles by over 150 Nobel Prize winners. As bad as living with the threat of the coronavirus has been in recent months, things are getting worse. Fall is approaching, and with it comes another respiratory virus that puts thousands of Americans in the hospital each year: the flu.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

Prepare yourself for an onslaught of public messages asking you to get an injection, not only to protect yourself and your vulnerable loved ones, but also the entire healthcare system, which is already strained by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Hospitals often fill up in December and January, when flu season really starts, said Susan Bailey, an allergy and immunology specialist in Fort Worth who is president of the American Medical Association. “If the hospitals are already full of coronavirus patients, where will the flu patients go?” he asked. The AMA promotes flu shots every year, but this year there’s a bigger campaign with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Ad Council.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

To further complicate matters, the symptoms of the flu and COVID-19 can be so similar that doctors can’t tell the difference without testing. A new test that can detect influenza A, influenza B and COVID-19 has received emergency approval from the FDA, but is not yet available. This means that patients may need two tests to get a diagnosis

Doctors need to know who they are dealing with because there are antiviral drugs for the common cold. More importantly, people with coronavirus should be isolated.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

Could The Seasonal Flu Vaccine Help Protect Against Covid 19?

And doctors know that patients can get the coronavirus and the flu at the same time. They don’t yet know if it causes worse disease than either would cause on its own, but it’s clear that it could. Influenza and coronavirus are usually the most dangerous for the same groups: the elderly and people with chronic diseases. They said there is still no vaccine for the coronavirus, but something can be done for the flu.

“We want to make sure we take the flu off the table,” L.J. said. Tan, director of strategy for the Immunization Action Committee, a vaccine advocacy nonprofit.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

But concerns about the coronavirus could make vaccination more of a challenge, said William Schaffner, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) and professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Telemedicine can’t deliver vaccines, he said, and prices for other types of vaccinations have dropped.

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“We are very concerned about this,” he said. “It needs to be done (influenza vaccine), but there are obstacles to doing it.”

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

On the other hand, the demand may be unusually high for what may seem to be a rare and much-needed control.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drugmakers say they will produce 194 million to 198 million doses of the vaccine this season, up from 175 million last year. Pennsylvania’s health department received 860,000 doses, more than double the usual number, said state Health Secretary Rachel Levine. New Jersey also has more.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

Common Misconceptions About The Flu Vaccine

Many of the state’s vaccines go to county health departments, Medicaid patients and users of federal health centers. Amber Tirmal, director of the Philadelphia Health Department’s immunization program, said this year the health department can give vaccines to people regardless of their insurance status. “The CDC is doing this because they understand how important the flu vaccine is this year,” he said. The vaccination campaign in the city is likely to start in October, he said.

Although some medical centers have not yet received flu shots, some pharmacies have already posted signs that it is time to get vaccinated.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

Ideally, doctors said it’s best to wait until September or October. Schaffner offers deals from mid-September to mid-November. The firing power decreases over time. In most people, it stays strong for about six months, but people over the age of 65 tend to lose immunity more quickly. Waiting a little longer to get your shot will improve your chances of being protected until the end of the season, which is usually March or April. However, it takes two weeks to get the full benefit of the vaccine, so you want to get it before cases become more common in the fall. This is often sometime in November. If you haven’t gotten sick yet, you can get a shot in the spring.

Here’s What To Know About Flu Shots This Year

But if you’re comfortable taking it sooner, especially if you’re young and healthy, then take it. “The best time to get the flu shot is anytime,” said Levine, whose agency begins the push around Labor Day. Does the vaccine protect against COVID-19?

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

It’s unpredictable. Researchers are studying countries in the southern hemisphere to see which strains of flu are likely to spread here. But Thomas Fekete, an infectious disease specialist at Temple University Hospital, said they’re not always good at predicting how many cases the U.S. will have because their populations are so diverse. So far, Australia, where Tan says has increased flu vaccination rates this year, appears to be having a mild season. Schaffner said Chile and Brazil, countries the U.S. typically monitors to predict flu, are so “overwhelmed” by the coronavirus that they don’t have the resources to track the flu.

Measures to prevent COVID-19 — wearing a mask, washing hands, keeping distance — should also reduce the spread of the flu, although enforcement in this country has been spotty.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

Why Seasonal Flu Vaccination Is Necessary; Where Could You Get It From

Schaffner said Australia and New Zealand have prioritized social distancing, testing and contact tracing. “We have not made that commitment in the United States,” he said.

Shot is an easy way to add protection. “We’re still seeing people die from the flu this year, and we want to prevent as many of those deaths as possible,” said family physician Joseph Thiel, who is vice president.

What Type Of Injection Is The Flu Vaccine

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