Business Intelligence España

Business Intelligence España – Philadelphia, October 3, 2016 // — The sale of Thomson Reuters’ Intellectual Property & Science business to Onex Corporation and Baring Private Equity Asia was completed today. The company’s many well-known products include Web of Science™, Cortellis™, Thomson Innovation™, Derwent World Patent Index™, Thomson CompuMark™, ​​MarkMonitor®, Thomson IP Manager™ and Techstreet™ .

The new independent company will be known as Clarivate Analytics, a name that reflects its speed of development with reliable insights and analytics for clients. Clarivate Analytics enables users to quickly discover, protect and promote their ideas. “We are excited to continue to serve as a professional, objective and effective source of knowledge,” said Vin Caraher, CEO of Clarivate Analytics. “Our solutions are at the heart of almost every major university, government and enterprise, supporting those working in life systems that strive for change. As a market leader, we look forward to building a strong foundation as a private company.”

Business Intelligence España

Business Intelligence España

The new business will continue to focus on scientific and educational research, quantitative and qualitative analysis, trademark protection, medical and life sciences, domain protection and intellectual property management. “As we grow, we are committed to using the best technology that allows us to consistently, confidently deliver professional solutions to our clients,” said Caraher.

Groupm Announces [m]platform: The Most Powerful Collection Of Data, Technology And Expertise For Audience Addressability Across All Media

The new name takes effect immediately, and the new branding will be introduced in the company’s products and services from the beginning of 2017.

Business Intelligence España

Analytics accelerates innovation by providing trusted insights and analytics to customers worldwide, enabling them to discover, protect and commercialize new ideas faster. Formerly known as Thomson Reuters Business and Science, we have been helping our customers for more than 60 years. Now as an independent company with more than 4,000 employees, we operate in more than 100 countries around the world, we are professional, realistic and agile. For more information, visit Im vierten Jahr Folge platziert sich Business-Intelligence-Anbieter Yellowfin in den Bericht Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms (*1) von Gartner

BERLIN, February 23, 2017 // – Gartner hat Yellowfin, den globalen Anbieter für Business Intelligence (BI) und Analysesoftware, im vierten Jahr a Folge aufgenomen Gartners Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms aufgenomen. Dieser Bericht gilded als die führende year Analysis des globalen BI- und Analysemarkts, die eine independent Bewertung der strategische Richtung, des Reifegrads und der wichtigsten Technologieanbieter dieses Marktsektors biet.

Business Intelligence España

Speculators Bet Credit Suisse Shares Have Further To Fall

“Wir sind hocherfreut, dass wir diese Anerkennung für unser Vision, unser Produk und unser internationales Wachstum gewonnen haben,” said Glen Rabie, CEO and co-founder of Yellowfin. “Die verstärkte internationale erfült haben, indem wir auf consektente Produktinnovation setzen.”

“Immer mehr Organizationen auf der ganzen Welt wollen Datenanalyse im gesamten Unternehmen bereitstellen”, Sagte Rabie.

Business Intelligence España

Rabie führt Fort: “Mit Yellowfin haben Datenanalysten mutu stable Umgebung, die sie brauchen um vertrauenwürdige Berichte und Analysen schnell zu delivery; das Rahmenwerk anichlicht Governance und Sicherheit england füründen.

Pdf) Business Statistics Review

“Yellowfins Geschäftsorientierte Herangehensweise an BI ermöglicht Unternehmen, an einem einzen Ort von Datenquellen ausgehend zu Entscheidungen zu kommen. Yellowfin verinet Menschen da ihre Daten.”

Business Intelligence España

According to Gartner, the Business Intelligence market segment has continued its weak development over the past two months.

“Die Verlagerung zur modernen BI- und Analyseplattform hat jetzt einen Wendepunkt erreicht,” said Ian Bertram, executive vice president of Gartner. Wirtschaftliche Werte zu schöpfen.”

Business Intelligence España

Fortinet, Inc: A Cash Machine In Cybersecurity

“Um den vollnen Nutzen der modernen BI- und Analyseplattformen zu zu schließen, Führungskräfte should überdenken die meisten Aspekt ihrer dezeitigen IT-fokussierten, zentralisierten Analyze-Implementnierungen, unter Organization unter-Technikai anamer und Reponsunkerntälogizees Leitungsverantwortung” (*2)

Der jüngste Bericht Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platformsevaluierte 24 verschiedene Anbieter über 15 Kritische Fahrzeugungen und fünf mainen Anwendungsfälle. In der Studie werden auch 51 additional “Andere Relevante Anbieter” beannatt die sich nicht für die Aufnahme im Magic Quadrant selbst qualifiziert hatten.

Business Intelligence España

*1 Az Autoren des Berichts Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms von Gartner sind die Gartner-Analysten Rita L. Sallam, Cindi Howson, Carlie J. Idoine, Thomas W. Oestreich und der Bericht wurde 16 February 2017. publicht.

New Analytics Product Helps Airbnb Hosts Compete With Hotels

*2 Quelle: Pressemitteilung von Gartner “Gartner Says Global Forecasting and Analytics Market to Reach $16.9 Billion in 2016”, February 3, 2016

Business Intelligence España

**Gartner prefers keinen der Anbieter, Produkte oder Dienste, die in seinen Forschungspublikaationen genannt werden, und möchte die Technologieanwender keineswegs dazu anleiten, sich auschlicht für die Anbieter mit den högenent zuchsten. Die Forschungspublikationen von Gartner enthalten echtliche die Meinungen der Gartner Forschungsorganisation und sollten nicht als Tatsachen desegled werden. A Gartner in Bezug auf diese Untersuchung keine Garantien, weder expässchenne noch stillschweigende, includin der Garantien bezügt der Marktgängigkeit oder der Eignung für einen besmintung Zweck.

Yellowfin is a worldwide provider of Business Intelligence (BI) – und Analyze-Software mit der Mission, BI einfach zu machen. Gegründet wurde das Unternehmen im Jahr 2003 als Antwort auf die Komplexität und Kosten bei der Implementationerung und Verwendung von traditional BI-Tools. Yellowfin is a highly intuitive, 100% web-based solution for reporting and analytics. Yellowfin is einer der Marktführer in Mobile BI, Collaborative BI and Integrated BI as well as Location Intelligence and Datenvisualisierung.

Business Intelligence España

Students Experience Italian Luxury Hospitality As Luiss Business School Partners With Lungarno Collection

More than 10,000 organizations and more than two million end users in 70 different countries use Yellowfin every day. More information can be found at

Für regulare Neuigkeiten und Updates folgen Sie Yellowfin auf Twitter (@YellowfinBI), LinkedIn (Yellowfin Business Intelligence), YouTube (Yellowfin Team) or send Sie eine e-mail and [email protected] to Abonnement des kostenlosen Newsletters von Yellowfin.

Business Intelligence España

Lachlan James, Global Communications Manager, Yellowfin, Tel. Global, the world’s leading inspection and payment provider and TMS provider, introduces its next business information system, Strategic Solutions. Logistics Information is an intuitive, efficient and effective system that enables suppliers and third-party logistics providers to transform data into actionable information.

Iot Firmware Security: Zero Day Exploitation & Prevention

Suppliers and 3PLs can easily add functionality to search data and manage key operations using dashboards. These users can graph KPIs so that key data points are clear at a glance.

Business Intelligence España

“For companies operating in global markets, our analytics tools help them manage spend and plan for the future,” said J. Kenneth Hazen, president and CEO of CTSI-Global.

A typical business intelligence tool is limited to displaying processed financial statements. Strategic Data differentiates itself by being able to wrap its operations around any data set, including in-process inventory, data from a customer’s ERP system, and more. CTSI-Global clients can submit data at the appropriate level or view real-time trends for greater insight. Data fields can be automatically formatted or the user can customize the data view.

Business Intelligence España

Cloud Storage Market Size, Share, Scope, Trends & Forecast

The CTSI-Global webinar will be presented on September 28 at 1:00 PM Central. Register now for strategic information: How to effectively manage your KPIs.

About CTSI-Global: Since 1957, CTSI-Global has provided the highest level of control over global supply chains for the highest quality, best performance and greatest savings for clients from all industries. Suppliers and 3PLs alike can manage all aspects of their supply chains in one global database using our business intelligence, TMS, inventory and payment tracking, and consulting services. Partnering with a professional supplier for all your equipment needs ensures seamless integration to eliminate extra steps and costs while providing the visibility you need. CTSI-Global was included in the Top 100 Logistics I.T. to your list. Provider by Inbound Analytics and Top 20 Supply Chain Provider by CIO Review. For more information on CTSI-Global solutions and services, please visit English (USA) English (UK) English (Canada) Deutsch (Deutschland) Deutsch (Schweiz) Español Français (France) Français ( Suisse) Italiano Nederlands (Nederland) Nederlands (Belgium)

Business Intelligence España

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